Urology | Sexual Health | Continence | Erectile Dysfunction | Australia


Erectile dysfunction and bladder issues can impact on all aspects of life. We are here to make services for sexual health and bladder health easily accessible and provide you education & treatment in accordance with current, evidence based best practice guidelines. 

Sexuality is integral to wellbeing. Effective education & individualised treatment plans are key to successfully managing erectile dysfunction and issues with sexual health.

Bladder complaints, sexual dysfunction and issues with erections are often not addressed due to barriers with accessing services for sensitive & private issues. Let’s break that barrier.


We provide assessment of and treatment for men’s health issues. We assess, diagnose, and treat erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory disorders. This is inclusive of, but not limited to, the inability to achieve and maintain an erection, premature ejaculation and peyronies disease.

After many years specialising in prostate cancer, we have helped countless men with post prostatectomy erectile dysfunction implement penile rehabilitation. We believe all men should have the opportunity to pursue penile rehabilitation regardless of whether they are sexually active as erections are important for self-satisfaction, self-esteem and penile health.

We offer assessment, investigation and management of male lower urinary tract symptoms. As registered Clinical Continence Advisors, we can offer comprehensive continence assessment and management.


Men’s Health Collective is based in Australia, with services available in Perth, Western Australia and Melbourne, Victoria. Our Nurse Practitioners are specialised in urology and have extensive experience in general urology, continence, uro-oncology, men’s health, and sexual health.

Our team believe in person focused, evidence-based treatment plans and actively contribute to research. They volunteer their time and participate in community events to provide education to their local communities. Our Nurse Practitioners are also passionate about contributing to the professional development of health care workers and are regularly invited speakers at internationally recognised conferences.

Nurse Practitioner

A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is an experienced Registered Nurse educated at Masters Level and endorsed by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). An NP can provide specialized patient care and is able to diagnose disease, prescribe medications, order pathology and radiology investigations and refer to other specialists.

An NP does not require a referral, you are able to book an appointment without a referral from your GP.

Our NP’s at Men’s Health Collective have extensive experience in general urology, continence, uro-oncology, men’s health and sexual health. At Men’s Health Collective we work in collaboration with urologists and other health practitioners to provide holistic patient care. Given our background as Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses and Urology Clinical Nurse Consultants, we remain affiliated with and participate in community events and advocacy with The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) and Australian Prostate Centre (APC).


We are proud to be formally affiliated with the following organisations:


The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia


Australian Prostate Centre


Exercise Medicine Research Institution